It has been brought to my attention that certain puppies have been woefully under-represented on my blog. My apologies to said puppies.

Meet Godiva. Godiva is 9 years old. He wants nothing more than to be scratched on the back and assured of your never-ending love. He is terribly afraid of thunder, balloons, Swiffer sweepers, and bubble wrap.

Currently, he’s missing the little old lady who’s been in charge of him for his whole life, and trying to figure out his place in this new situation.

And here’s Petunia. Petunia’s 7 years old. When she was a puppy Dagny carried her so much that Jon’s step-mom was sure Petunia would not learn to walk properly. Petunia proved her wrong, learning not only how to walk, but how to open drawers, peanut butter jars, and prescription bottles. Behind this sweet face lurks the mind of a master criminal.

She seems recently to have given up her life of crime, and now spends her time searching for the perfect belly rub.

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